Monday, May 20, 2013

Dreams Flowing from the Tides

I can always tell when I am truly engaged in something as whatever it is I am engaged in infiltrates my dreams. I have always been a vivid dreamer which my mother says is a result of being creative. I, however, believe my dreams reveal what is occupying my mind and passion. This has been evidenced here in South Africa. After a wonderful visit to the market and a nice morning walk, my colleagues and I dove in to the creation of more workshops and activities for today's events at NMMU. Between meeting, creating, discussing and practice, we had the wonderful Braai (as seen is yesterday's blog), then went right back to our work. About 2:00 am, each pair working diligently in our rooms, finally switched off the lights to call it a night. Exhausted my eyes closed and the dreams began. Dreams of active learning, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, formative assessment, instructional design, all floating and dancing in my mind in a Prezi type fashion. When the alarm rang at 6:30 am, I eagerly got up to get the day started, not really knowing what part of the last 24 hours were real versus dream.

Arriving to NMMU this morning, the Teaching & Learning group was greeted by Jennifer Winstead to discuss the co-curricular record. Oh my gosh!, I (and I think I can speak for my colleagues) was completely blown away by what NMMU is undergoing in this creation! The hour flew by as she initiated us to the project, the project plan, its implementation, goals, successes, challenges, student perspectives, academic perspectives, etc. Not only do I think Jennifer is a gem who is absolutely the perfect individual to lead this initiative, she completely hooked all six of us graduate students with her knowledge and passion (a few even thinking future research or possible dissertation ideas)! After this spectacular meeting, we headed in to catch the end of the Student Affairs Team presentation! Although we don't get to observe each other much since we are all in workshops and busy with our different schedules during the day, it is a joy and pleasure to get to catch glimpses of each other in such amazing professional capacities. Needless to say, I was quite impressed!

The T&L team proceeded to engage in and facilitate workshops. Heather and Dawn started off our group by focusing on instructional design. Fielding some tough, thought provoking questions from our NMMU colleagues, these two set a positive foundation for the remainder of the day. Next, we were fortunate to be able to have lunch with our NMMU colleagues on campus affording more dialogue, discussion, and relationship building. Personally, I had an intriguing conversation with a professor who was prevented from attending many colleges near his original home near Cape Town during the Apartheid. He discussed his trials and tribulations and the path he took to get to his current position. He shared the rigors of his current position and some of the challenges and possibilities after the merger of NMMU in 2005. He also discussed some of the challenges facing South Africa and NMMU regarding HIV/AIDS and the implementation of resources/informational programing and support programs to help those infected and affected by the disease. FASCINATING!  I guarantee I will dream of this man, his sparkling dark eyes, wise grin, and enthusiasm in his speaking about his life and experience. Meanwhile Michelle had an informative lunch with Dean Cheryl Foxcroft to share information and ideas about MSU's Bailey Scholars program and how many of its visions and principles align with NMMU's vision. Dr. Foxcroft expressed interest in the program and is eager to visit the Bailey space at MSU! While the Bailey Scholars program may not exactly fit the context of NMMU or South Africa, it presents an opportunity to enter into dialogue and sharing about each institution's attributes and offerings for best practices and optimal engagement / learning of students.

Ok, ok, I digressed (what can I say, it was a more than eventful lunch!). So after lunch Inese and Linda facilitated a workshop on Active and Engaged Learning in Large Classes. It was fun to observe our NMMU colleagues asking questions, learning, and also sharing their knowledge with us. I think we are all collaborating well in this process and mutually learning. Next came me (Karla) and Inese to share on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. It was our first time formally facilitating this topic. With an informal assessment (beginning and end), it appeared that we were successful in achieving our outcomes in stimulating thought and action surrounding SoTL. Lastly, Michelle and I shared our 15 Technology Tools to Enhance Engaged Learning in Blended Classrooms. We always get animated (and maybe just a little hyper) during this discussion as it has potential for immediate application and we can see the "ah ha" moments of our colleagues!  Oh, I know I already said lastly, but after this amazing day of sharing and learning we had a TREAT...

Dr. Austin led us over to meet the Student Affairs group (two different campuses in two groups) to participate in the Beyond the Classroom (BTC) workshop with undergraduate students. This session was a clear reminder of what (and why) we are all doing in higher education. These phenomenal, lively students blew my socks off (for lack of better words at this midnight hour)! They were so excited to share, laugh, listen, and engage and had some incredible insight into conflict management! Bernell and Trace facilitated with such grace. The workshop was literally flawless! BTC definitely re-invigorated my passion for students and learning.

Today was such a powerful day, full of learning, inquiry and dialogue. I hate to see it end but I look forward to soon closing my eyes to see what my dreams will create tonight! Another intense, action packed day at NMMU awaits us tomorrow!

(To add some flair, here are some pictures from today's events...thanks to Michelle Malkin)
 Trace, Michael, Garrett, and Cheryl Foxcroft with some of our NMMU colleagues!
 Our tea time buddy... I couldn't resist including this one! He truly did reach all the way down in the trash bin and come back up with this banana... no lie!
 Beginning of the day dialogue!
 BTC group work!
 A M A Z I N G!
 A view of the center of South Campus (by the library)
 Michelle and Karla
 Karla, Inese, and Dr. Austin (we were not as thirsty as it may appear in this picture!)
 Heather and Dawn
 Linda and Inese
 Trace and Bernell working their magic!
 BTC participants!
More BTC group work!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Karla, for the detailed and informative post! Sounds exhausting and exhilarating - and very productive for HALErs, NMMU academic and student affairs staff, and students. Congrats to all on such great work. Look forward to more about your last few days "on the ground" at NMMU!
