Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Long day/ great experiences: Student Affairs Day 4

I am still processing all my experiences from yesterday. One of my favorite experiences was our lunch with the Dean of Students. Just hearing his life history was amazing. It really got me thinking about how I use my education to better my community.

I also got to meet my student buddy who I had been emailing with. We talked about our personal and academic lives. It felt like I was talking to one of my own highly involved and highly academic student leaders back at MSU. Im excited continue our conversations even after this trip is over.

The highlight of my day was teaching "Beyond the Classroom" which is similar to EAD 315 at MSU. The students were great and it has definitely been best teaching experience thus far both in the US and South Africa. The students were very engaged and reflective and it was hard to go to sleep last night because I was still on a high from teaching the class.

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