Saturday, May 25, 2013

Eddie Daniels

Today I met a man of incredible integrity and humility - Mr. Eddie Daniels. He gave us a private tour of Robben Island where he was imprisoned for fifteen years alongside of Nelson Mandela who became his close friend. His stories were profound, sad, funny, romantic, intense, terrifying, and so very courageous!!! To meet a leader of the anti-apartheid movement who is so humble helps me think about how incredible it is when people put all of humanity in front of their own needs. We need leaders willing to risk everything. You can learn more about him at

Dawn, Michelle, Eddie Daniels, and Karla riding from Robben Island to Cape Town.


  1. The stories and contexts are different, of course, but there's something here that reminds me of your work as an activist. Will be eager to hear about similarities/differences when you're back and you've had time to process.

  2. So great to see a picture of Eddie. Our SA group met him when we traveled with the department in 2009. He looks well and happy. Meeting him was one of the most profound experiences I had on our South Africa trip.
