Wednesday, May 22, 2013

NMMU in context

This post will be factual, rather than observational, just to give our readers some background on Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU). These come from two NMMU publications from 2012.

Facts about NMMU:
- located on a 720-hectare nature reserve at the water's edge (main campus)
- there are six campuses that merged from different institutions into one seven years ago. Most are within an hour of each other, the George campus is in the mountains and a five hour drive away
- 27,000 students
- 307 programs
- 130 career paths
- largest percentage of students study business and economics 
- the staff/faculty is 58.2% White; 23.9% Black, 14.2% Coloured, and 3.8% Indian
- the staff/faculty is 46.9% male and 53.1% female
-the students are 59.8% Black, 24.2% White, 14% Coloured, and 2% Indian
- the students are 46.1% male and 53.9% female
- they have an award winning YouTube flash mob video at
-5,232 students graduated in 2011
-instead of having any fully online courses, NMMU offers several blended courses (courses are called modules here)
- 8% of students are from outside South Africa (most from other African countries)
- the six core values are diversity, excellence, Ubuntu, integrity, environment, and responsibility 
- the term "faculty" would be the equivalent to one college within a university, such as faculty of science (college of science). Professors are formally called Academic Staff
- all staff, regardless of university role, can belong to the same labor union
- 7.3% of students are considered distance students 
- 13.2% of students are postgraduate students (grad students or doing one year honors)
- there are approx 3,245 temporary and permanent staff
- the mascot is a dolphin
- the slogan is "for tomorrow"
Missionvale campus

New state of the art "green library" at Missionvale campus

Administrative building on South campus

South campus

North campus

North campus

South campus

South campus stadium with the NMMU values posted on the fencing

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the background on NMMU. I confess that my favorite parts are the flash mob video and the fact that the mascot is the fearsome dolphin. Or, maybe in South Africa "fearsome" isn't the point of a mascot!
